Saturday, August 29, 2015

Let's Get It Started!

          Hello my dear readers. First of all, please let me introduce myself. I am Izzati Khairani Binti Hamizad. A semester 5 student of KPM Indera Mahkota and is currently taking Diploma in English and Communication. Also, I am from class DEC 5D.

          Alhamdulillah. With some help and guide from The Almighty, my families, my lecturer and colleagues, I am able to work on my very first entry for this blog. Considering that there are no specific theme for blogs in this semester,  I came to choose a topic which is a sport that I am into so much since I started school; netball. Basically, that is what I will be posting about here. This blog's existence is aimed to fulfill my assignment needs in Digital and Mobile Communication subject that is currently being taught by Mister Mohd Zulfakhri bin Zulkefli. In this platform, I will try to give my best shot in relaying any knowledge regarding netball.

This blog exist as it aimed to reach its three objectives which are:

  • To explain the history of netball
  • To break down the rules and regulations of netball
  • To demonstrate how netball is played

          At the end of every entry, I hope that I have somehow help enlighten you readers about the world of netball. Stay healthy and happy reading!

KPM Indera Mahkota netball players